Kong Socheat told a simple way to take care of the young beauty

She said “My beauty is nothing much, just eat more vegetables.” The mother of three children, said earlier, after the environment both inside and outside the arts have always admired her beauty like 20 - year - old girl digits. In fact, is nothing more I like myself too...By the time I walk out the door at a time to use sun protection products provide moisture to the skin of the face and body. Enough food to eat to sustain the body is the morning, eat a little rice and milk or fruit juice sweetened not least because of high calories cause weight. Noon half a distinction few ways to eat more vegetables than meat and rice , and the important thing is I do not like soy sauce water, fish , and beef tenderloin for dinner tonight is no different from breakfast , lunch , what cannot carrots special because it has a lot of help right eye. The fruit is I always eat watermelon vine at the French and apples because it originated useful for the skin. Before going to bed is cleaned and painted lawsuit serum skin care products provide moisturizing skin. Thermal mass is close to one or two times a week, what every woman needs to do is sleep, rather than the walk dusk unless the program participants. Finally to maintain the beauty in youth sports and sports that she likes to swim and a week yoga dance a half an hour and a half or run.

Source by: SabayNews
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